There are several legal doctrines to examine to determine if a commercial tenant’s lease obligations are excused. The start is Civil Code §1511 and Civil Code §1514 This post examines the doctrine of “frustration of purpose” which is close to the related...
Experienced Real Estate And Business Attorney
Month: July 2020
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Attorney Fee Award to Person Found Not to Be a Party to Contract (alleged as alter ego) MSY Trading Inc. v. Saleen Automotive, Inc., G057093
Saleen cars look awesome! Too bad the one in this case (not as pictured) only drove for 50 miles than died. Civil Code §1717 has a mutuality component. The defendant was added as an alter ego of a debtor under a Riverside Superior Court judgment, but was found to...
Malicious prosecution requires a favorable termination that ALSO reflects on the innocence of the party. (Roche v. Hyde (6/30/2020)
I see this case more as a discovery matter and a lesson for lawyers and clients not to lie. But it also stands for malicious prosecution, a favorable termination requires more than a dismissal of the underlying action. The person wrongfully sued who has prevailed...