Experienced Real Estate & Business Attorneys

AirbNB Rental Advertising Disclosure (Business and Professions Code §22590, 22592, 22594)

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2016 | 2016 New Statutes


The short term rental “hosting platform” ( the online advertisement website) must  warn prospective  “buyer”/”renter” that  subletting the tenant’s residence may violate the lease and could result in eviction.

This law requires a “hosting platform” to provide notice to an occupant listing a residence for short-term rental that states: “If you are a tenant who is listing a room, home, condominium, or apartment, please refer to your rental contract or lease, or contact your landlord, prior to listing the property to determine whether your lease or contract contains restrictions that would limit your ability to list your room, home, condominium, or apartment. Listing your room, home, condominium, or apartment may be a violation of your lease or contract, and could result in legal action against you by your landlord, including possible eviction.” The notice must be in a particular font size and be provided immediately before the occupant lists each real property on the hosting platform’s Internet Web site in a manner that requires the occupant to interact with the hosting platform’s Internet Web site to affirmatively acknowledge he or she has read the notice. Senate Bill 761. Codified as Business and Professions Code §§22590, 22592 and 22594. Effective date is January 1, 2016.

